July 29, 2018 by Lake Texoma Fishing Guide
Lake Texoma Summer Fishing for Striper Bass can be a lot of fun! Big Striper, Small Striper, and Tons of Striper any given day. Swimbaits, topwater lures, spoon slabs will all work this time of year. Lake Texoma Striper can be deep or shallow, or suspended or schooled up on top! Here is an up to date daily Lake Texoma Fishing Report to help you find and catch some Lake Texoma Striper!
Well much to my surprise Lake Texoma water temperatures remain in the high 80s despite the record high temperatures we have had recently. If we can make it through August with average temperatures we will be good as far as water temperature goes! Striper do not like hot water, so cooler temperatures are in our favor. One of the keys to this last week was finding some cooler water temps on the East Side of Lake Texoma!
July 24... Nice Northeast wind early in the morning 72 degrees... It felt like fall!... I was headed to the East Bank where some fish where shcooling up in the morning the day before. It did not appear that those fish we're going to "go" (guide talk for if they are going to school up or not) so I started milling around in the same general area keeping my eyes peeled. I got my binoculars out and scanned the horizon, looking way up and down Lake Texoma and looking in the backs of coves as well (hint, hint). I looked up into a small cove and saw a huge splashes in shallow water...you could not have missed these splashes...even with the naked eye! We reeled in our lures quickly and I put the hammer down and within 45 seconds we were approaching some schooling fish that ranged from 2 to 12 lbs! We caught fish on topwaters and swimbaits for quite a while in this shallow water area. It was fantastic!We ended the day with 26 overs (20+ inches) to 12lbs and 24 fat box fish (20- inches) ! I could only hope the following day would be just as good....
July 25... I called my crew the night before and had them arrive 15 minutes earlier for the 30 minute boat ride so that we can make the run to the exact spot where I caught them the day before. We arrived at twilight and began blind casting, waiting and wondering if they will "go" again. Then it happened, 1 splash, 2 splashes, 5 splashes, and just like clockwork, the entire cove erupted in top water striper!.... and they just would not quit! One of the best days in recent times for hauling in quality Lake Texoma Striper! We ended that day with 63 OVERS to 12lbs AND 33 BOX FISH... it was absolutely epic !! Those are the days that will stick in my mind for a while. I planned ahead and it all came together. Those, for me, are the most rewarding days on the water and why I LOVE what I do! Will they "go" for a third day in a row?
July 26... I was hoping for a repeat of the previous two days. But Lake Texoma had her mind set on reminding us who the boss is! Absolutely no early morning schooling for us that morning in several different areas that I had checked. Sun was up there were no clouds and no signs of surfacing action so we went straight to the Spoon Slab fishing in deeper water. We found tons of fish EVERYWHERE but had a really, really tough time convincing them to bite. I tried big slabs, small slabs, all different colors and they just did not want to eat. We caught a bunch of dinks that we threw back. Got some small keepers for the table so they would have some to take home and enjoy for dinner. One of the toughest days I have had this entire year. Not sure if it was the bright full moon the night before or what, but sometimes this happens. Big full moons will prompt these fish to feed at night, which can make the morning fishing tough sometimes. It is FISHING and not CATCHING sometimes!
July 27... I found some early topwater action in a different area that I had not been too. I spotted these fish with binoculars off in the distance. We made the quick run, launched out our swimbaits and it did not last very long. Some boats crashed in on the schooling action instead of being patient and pushed the Striper down and out, but we managed to pull some really good big fish. we got our 8 overs and then went to deep water fishing with spoon slabs. Once again, like the previous day, the fish were very finicky today. We tried many different colors many different sizes of slabs. Changing techniques and slabs did not really seem to make a difference. We ended up cleaning 16 fish this day and threw back a bunch of little bitty ones. Overall it was a good day and everyone had a great time... just got really spoiled from the first two trips earlier in the week LOL.
July 28... We drove straight to the area where we caught the day before. Absolutely nothing happened. That's the way these early morning topwater bites can be. These fish move around during the night changing locations. I checked a few other areas that I had not been to just to see if I could find something new but had no results. Later in the morning I decided to go back to where we caught striper a couple of days prior. Although there had been no fish there the two previous days, today, later in the morning with the sun up, these Texoma striper let loose on topwater! I was cruising along at 23 miles an hour and saw one big splash in front of me. I chopped the throttle, killed the motor, and it was game on! 25 overs and 15 box fish later, the two boys and father and grandfather that were on the boat were absolutely worn out LOL !! Lesson here...do not be afraid to backtrack...keep looking and searching!
July 29.... My group headed out this morning and I decided to split locations with a guide buddy of mine. He was going to wait at one spot and I was going to scope out the other spot where we had been getting them 2 days prior. I guess it was my day, because the fish schooled up around us right where we were sitting and waiting and practicing our casting. We caught 12 overs and 11 box fish in about 15 minutes! it was absolute chaos, and the bottom of the floor was covered in Lake Texoma Striper! As quickly as it began, it was over. I looked around for a bit but the had vanished. The sun was breaking through the clouds a bit the wind died down so we went out to the big deep water looking for striper to catch with spoon slabs. We ran across several good schools under schooling "dinks"where I had caught fish in prior days and pulled some really good boxfish before the storms ran us off of the lake! Cleaned 44 fish this day, had all our overs and threw some overs back as well. Great day considering our trip got cut a bit short due to weather.
Overall a really good week on the lake for late summer fishing. There are millions and millions of 6-inch striper schooled up throughout the lake. We had a really good spawn on this year. The future is looking really really good for Lake Texoma.
Feel free to call me if you all have any questions about the lures I use or the techniques I use. I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can! For more information check my website here for Lake Texoma Striper Fishing information.
See ya'll out there!
Lake Texoma Fishing Guide Stephen Andre
Posted in: News, Lake Texoma
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