Learn Lake Texoma Striped Bass Fishing Techniques from full-time guide Stephen Andre! We use artificial lures to fish Texoma year round and know how to put big fish in the net!
One of the real joys of fishing occurs when warm spring weather draws fish of all species into skinny water. Anglers don polarized sunglasses and scan the shallows for emerging signs of life. The “sight fishing” that results can be positively thrilling. It’s high-level sensory stuff that combines stalking, hunting and casting into a singular stimulating experience.
Lake Texoma is an 88,000 acre reservoir formed by the impoundment of the Red River 4.6 miles below its confluence with the Washita River on the Oklahoma/Texas border. It was impounded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) in 1944 by...
Fishing equipment will last a long time with proper care and maintenance. Gears need care. Simple as that. Proper lubrication improves the function and extends the life of reels. Had a reel for a year or two and it’s just not the same? Give it some love!
I never thought such an aggressive, big fish could bite with such a light tap....As the water cools this Fall and into Winter, schools of fish will leave their favorite ledges and humps in search for bait in the open water. Shad will gather up into bait-balls in deep cool water and the Striper wont be far behind.
Lake Texoma is one of the largest reservoirs in the United States, the 12th largest US Army Corps of engineers' (USACE) lake, and the largest in USACE Tulsa District. Lake Texoma is formed by Denison Dam on the Red River in Bryan County, Oklahoma, and Grayson County, Texas, about 726 miles (1,168 km) upstream from the mouth of the river.
The History of the Striped Bass indicates the fish is the aquatic equivalent of the American bald eagle. The Striped Bass helped build this nation. They enabled the Pilgrims in the Massachusetts Bay Colony as they...
Striped Bass spawn in water of 55 to 69 degrees from April through mid-June in flowing water of Rivers, broadcasting millions of eggs without affording any protection or parental care.
Keep up with water temperatures; look for the warmest water you can find that isn't muddy. Stripers do not like muddy water and will stay ahead of it as it flows into the lakes after spring rains. They usually...
The solunar theory hypothesis is that animals and fishes move according to the location of the moon in comparison to their bodies. The theory was laid out in 1926 by...
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